You might be wondering if there is a market for your skills as a medical secretary?
You might be questioning if you will have enough work to support yourself?

It is only natural to have questions like this and it is only natural to have doubts about

starting your own business.

Well, let me answer that question for you – the answer is yes!

There is a huge market for virtual medical secretaries. Private practice is growing
because of a growing demand for private practice services, especially in the current
climate. This means there is a huge demand for private practice secretaries!

There could be many reasons a Private Consultant is looking for a private medical
secretary, the main one being that they would like a personalised service for
themselves and their patients. When you work for a Consultant, you get to know how
they like their dictation done, the names of their patients and exactly how the
practice runs. This is a service they cannot get from private hospitals, who often
outsource as much of the secretarial work as they can and then charge the
Consultant exorbitant hourly rates for admin services.

Doctors and healthcare professionals know that a good medical secretary is worth
their weight in gold, and this is where your medical secretary forte comes in. You
know you can provide a high standard medical administration service, and the
services you can provide are highly desirable to potential clients.

When you begin to think about starting your own private medical secretary business,
list your skills – all of them!
List everything that you can do that can help doctors in private practice. Put yourself
in their shoes and think about what they need to help them be organised in their
private practice. Bearing in mind that most doctors also have an NHS practice, they
need a secretary who also has a good understanding of this. They need things to be
running smoothly, they need to know what is happening in both practices and they
need to know that you are “on it”!

When you think about what you can offer, I also want you to think about what you
enjoy, what you have are passionate about.
There is no point including services that you don’t really have a passion for because
you will lose your enthusiasm and drive. I understand that when first starting out you
want to appeal to everybody so you can get business, you want to be noticed, but if
you offer services that you do not enjoy or really struggle with then this will also
come across in your work.

So, if you consciously opt to offer services that you have a passion for, then your
enthusiasm and quality of work will be evident to your clients.
The whole point in starting your own business is to do the work that you enjoy, so
you can choose who you want to work with and when you want to work.
Always keep this in mind when you are tempted to work with a client that might not
be the best fit for you.

Unsure of what services to offer or new skills you need to learn?
Click here for the free PDF download – 6 top tips on what to consider when deciding
what services to offer in your virtual medical secretary business. It is full of helpful
tips and advice to help you decide the best services to offer in your business. Take
this advice from someone who has been there and knows what it is like when you
are starting out.

I love helping people and want to see you succeed and be happy in the work that
you are doing, which is why I am using everything I have learned to set up my own
business and while running my own business to make things easier for you! I hope
you enjoy and any feedback or comments are very much appreciated!

Click here for your free download

Next blog post and free download:

How do I become a Virtual Medical Secretary?